Is volunteering for you?

“Aside from the fantastic opportunity to help others going through a really difficult time, The Wren Project has helped me develop my relationships with people outside of the project. At work, at home, in social situations. The ability to listen to someone is more powerful than you can imagine. For the person being listened to of course, but also for the listener.”

-Eddie, Wren Project Volunteer


+ Why volunteer?

We are the first charity to offer ongoing, free, one-to-one listening and befriending to individuals diagnosed with autoimmune disease. In the years following diagnosis, people are passed from doctor to doctor while they juggle competing advice, medications, and confront a new reality for their life.

If you are warm, caring, and empathetic and have the time to offer regular, ongoing, non-judgmental support to Wrens, please get in touch.

As a volunteer you will develop understanding of autoimmune disease and the impact of diagnosis on life. You will have the chance to build a remarkable supportive relationship with an individual recently diagnosed. You’ll be part of a new, innovative, and unique charity.

“The training has been incredibly enlightening. I’ve learnt so much about autoimmune diseases in general but, more importantly, I’ve learnt how we can support by the simple acts of showing up consistently and listening. It doesn’t sound like much but, having completed the training, I now see how much that can mean to someone living with a disease that’s disrupting their life every day.”- Elly, Wren Project Volunteer

+ Where is the Wren Project?

We are a charity registered in England and Wales. We carry out our listening sessions over video call so we welcome Volunteers and Wrens from across the UK.

+ Who can be a volunteer?

Anyone who is 18 or over, and is based in the UK, can apply to be a volunteer.

+ What is the application process?

Register your interest and we will be in touch with an application form, followed by an interview. What we do is not suited for everyone, so at each stage of application, interview, and training there are opportunities to check whether the role feels appropriate.

+ What volunteer roles are available?

Listening volunteers: provide ongoing one-to-one support to two Wrens in regular, fortnightly conversations. Each conversation will last up to 50 minutes.

While no prior experience is required, we seek volunteers who can be non-judgemental and refrain from giving advice, who are empathic, warm, and supportive.

+ What is the time commitment?

Volunteers need to commit to three hours every fortnight, as part of a regular shift, for a minimum of 12 months. While this sounds like a long time, it ensures continuity for our Wrens and allows relationships of trust to develop. If volunteers intend to leave, we ask for 3 months notice to allow us to plan, adjust, and maintain the best kind of ongoing support for our Wrens.

+ Is there training to be a volunteer?

If you are selected to be a volunteer, you will attend our training programme which includes instruction on autoimmune disease, active listening, reflective practice, safeguarding, and mental health.

“With little to no prior knowledge on both autoimmune diseases or the power of active listening, I wondered whether I had the right tools to be able to support a Wren. However, the training programme has given me the support, confidence, and knowledge that I need to feel equipped to support Wrens in the near future. In addition, it has been a privilege to get to know the Wren team and to meet my fellow volunteers. It’s a real joy to part of this amazing community.”- Ellsie, Wren Project volunteer

Volunteer application.

If you would like to volunteer with the Wren Project, please register your interest on the form below.  If you have any queries, please contact us.